
Sunday, 9 September 2012

Orange make up

Summer is slowly finishing and soon we will have autumn. As much as I love summer I am looking forward to autumn too as I love all autumn's warm color - red, brown, yellow, orange. 

I thought orange was one of my favourite colors lately and I thought to try a bit of smoked eyes in orange.

So here's what I uses:

Barry M - Dazzle Dust Orange - its sooo pretty! Quite strong colour but why not? 

It has powdery consistence and it is quite sparkly, you really don't need to apply much to see this how vivid this color is.

To make eyes look smokey I use MAC eye shadow - Black Tied and blend it all together.

Finish off with very thin line using MAC black eyeliner - blend it as much as I could and used Volume Million lashed mascara.

That's the result? Would you wear it? I would :)


  1. thats an awesome shade of orange!!1ovely EOTD

  2. Ahh thank you I absolutely love orange ! Might be but obsessed haha :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You are the queen of blending it would seem!
    Lovely look - I'm not so brave!!

  5. Thank you, I love colours, I saw your smoked eye and your blog and its look very pretty :)

  6. OMG!!! Love it! I never have tried orange make up but upon seeing this, i want to try it out for something new.

  7. You should try it, it can go very well with different eye colours :)
