
Friday, 12 October 2012

Versatile Blogger award - Thank you

I woke up this morning and I was soo nicely surprised that I have been nominated for Versatile Blogger Award.

I was nominated by lovely @LoveNail Polish and her amazing blog Adicted to OPI-yum (check her blog it's amazing). Thank you so much for this nomination I am soo excite about it.

Now what are the rules? Simple:

  • Share seven random facts about yourself
  • Nominate up to 15 other bloggers and let them know you nominated them
  • Thank the person who nominated you in your award post and share a link back to their blog
  • Put the Versatile Blogger Award in your post
 Seven Random Facts About me:
1. I am only 5’1”
2. I love love love love heels
3. I am absolutely crazy about people’s eye and eye make up
4. I have amazing young sister who is way taller then me!
5. I love and pandas
6. I am a proud owner of little bamboo tree which is growing and growing (plants hate me so it is a big success for far)
7.  I have red hair

I have nominated 15 peopple for this award - clearly from my latest internactions with them and because I love their posts. HEre we no particular order:

 Grab your awards ladies :)


  1. congrats:)!!
    please visit me in free time:)

  2. WOW!!! Thank you so much Ania for your nomination and sharing your award with me :-) You are so sweet to do this and it means the world to me to be nominated by you. I will get to work on this now. Again, thank you, thank you!

    1. You welcome my lovely :) I love your blog and work and you deserve it :) xxx

  3. Aww thank you for the nomination xo

  4. Thank you for sharing verybeen very helpful
