
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

We are here again - The Beauty Bloggazons Weekly Roundup 27/10/12

Hello beauty bloggers! I am a tiny bit late - I have been soo busy moving house and now mummy and daddy came to visit me from Poland so super excited, hence this post was a bit delayed :)

But here is it....our next weekly Roundup from - make sure to check what Beauty Bloggazons were up to last week and don't forget to say hi :)

Enjoy reading x


  1. How nice that your parents came to visit you! I understand about moving, I moved six times in ten years and I never want move ever again! I wish you all the best in your new home! See you when you get out from behind all the boxes. : )

  2. This is a great list of links! Thanks for sharing, I'm off to check some of those out. Returning your visit from The Joke on You Friday hop :)
